
It is important to help students learn about setting and keeping to limits. Setting boundaries can help students feel safe. Students need routine and structure to feel safe. Boundaries are clear rules that tell people have to behave. Encourage students to explore what boundaries are, why people have boundaries and why some people’s boundaries are different from other people’s.

The Resources

Before Using These Resources

  • Do ensure that you are familiar with the resources before you use them.
  • Do tailor the session and resources for the group; some slides may need to be removed or edited depending on the age of the learners you teach.
  • Do ensure that staff have gone through this staff CPD section and advice provided by Young Minds before delivering any support to young people or other staff. Many resources are accompanied by advice, notes and session outlines to support staff delivery of these often sensitive issues. Students and staff may be affected by topics you cover and it is essential to be fully aware of Young Minds’ advice and your school policies and procedures in these areas.
  • Do ensure you are aware of any needs within the group and talk to pastoral, inclusion or other staff as appropriate as required if necessary. Students or staff may have personal experience of some areas covered and it is important to be sensitive to this.
  • Do ensure that staff are aware of topic you are covering in the session before hand in case any topics are challenging for them. Please ensure they are aware of support procedures and staff within the school as necessary.